Most people yearn to be as productive as possible. Executing such action helps them accomplish a greater number of tasks over shorter durations. However, while striving to achieve such aims could yield several personal, professional, and financial rewards, increased productivity could also lead to burnout. Fortunately, however, highly productive individuals might avoid this potential pitfall by practicing the following tips:

Delegating Certain Tasks

No matter how hard-working and productive someone might be, there is only so much one person can accomplish. In recognition of such facts, efficiency experts suggest periodically delegating tasks. Duties can be assigned to subordinates or even freelancers. The critical factor is the avoidance of wearing too many hats and becoming overwhelmed.

Learning To Say No

Often, no is the easiest word to pronounce but the most challenging word to actually say. That said, productive people like to be busy and also usually enjoy pleasing people. Unfortunately, however, no one can make everyone else happy all the time. Ergo, mental and physical burnout can often be avoided simply by saying no from time to time.

Setting Boundaries

Avoiding burnout is often contingent upon setting boundaries. Achieving this aim usually means establishing limits regarding issues like how many responsibilities one will take on or how many associations they should maintain…



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Published by jasonkumpfncunews

Jason Kumpf has worked in international business for over a decade. He is a well-rounded businessman with insights in global business and real estate, ecommerce, and finance. For more os his insights visit his blog or follow him on Twitter.

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