Mentorship is one of the aspects that have been significantly overlooked in terms of improving leadership skills. One may not know it, but it is one way of fast learning and discovering suppressed strengths. That said, below are some ways that mentorship helps individuals to become better leaders;

It Improves Storytelling Abilities

Mentoring is never about telling people to do `this and that` every time. Many at times, they need to be shown potential possibilities and platforms of becoming successful. For instance, stories come in handy to provide an engaging and exciting working environment established on mutual trust. In essence, leaders may hold back sharing their life experiences, with the fear of familiarity. They miss out on building relationships in addition to polishing their storytelling skills.

Mentoring Expands a Leader’s Perspective

Leaders need to see things clearly and beyond the abilities of regular employees. As such, they need to gather guidance and experience from individuals in various industries. These may include millennials, people with disabilities, and those with more experienced backgrounds in their career fields. The leaders would also learn to appreciate the different views and opinions that such mentors have, with the primary intent of enriching their thinking…



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Published by jasonkumpfncunews

Jason Kumpf has worked in international business for over a decade. He is a well-rounded businessman with insights in global business and real estate, ecommerce, and finance. For more os his insights visit his blog or follow him on Twitter.

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