Key Ways to Improve Client Happiness and Retention

Customer churn has always been a concern for small businesses, but the recent economic downturn caused by the coronavirus pandemic has magnified this issue. More than ever before, business owners have to look for ways to retain their existing customers, and that means keeping them happy. Here are a few ways you can ensure your customer satisfaction rate continues to rise.

Create Costumer-Friendly Content

When you create shareable content to promote your brand, you should be creating content targeted at new consumers. Separately, there should also be content that’s tailored for your existing and past customers, which means creating posts that relate to their relationship with your brand. This can involve providing tutorials that highlight the features of a product, addressing problems they may have experienced in using a product or sharing updates on existing products or services.

Engage With Social Media Followers

Consumers are generally more satisfied when they feel as though their favorite brands are listening to them. The best way to develop this type of relationship with your customers is by engaging with them on social media. You should be regularly interacting with your followers on any sites you use by commenting and liking posts that mention your brand, responding to comments on your posts, and answering questions that are directed to your brand.

Use Feedback

You can ask for feedback via a monthly email newsletter or by posting questions on your brand’s social media accounts. However, this is just the first step in this process. If you’re asking for feedback and never make any attempt to use it, consumers will catch on and will eventually stop providing their insight. You don’t have to use all of the feedback you receive, but you should consider taking common customer concerns more seriously. If consumers see that you’re using their concerns to improve your products, they’ll develop greater feelings of trust for your brand.

While attracting new consumers to your business is still important, doing so won’t grow your business if you’re also losing existing customers. These steps can help you satisfy a larger portion of your customers so they will return to your business for their future needs. In addition to these tips, look for other ways you can forge long-lasting relationships with your customers. Their loyalty can serve as a springboard for creating a recognizable and positive brand image.

Published by jasonkumpfncunews

Jason Kumpf has worked in international business for over a decade. He is a well-rounded businessman with insights in global business and real estate, ecommerce, and finance. For more os his insights visit his blog or follow him on Twitter.

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