2021 Business Trends

In the year 2020, many things changed for businesses across a great many landscapes. Some companies had to shift their business model, while others had to adapt to new rules being implemented, and other companies didn’t make it and closed their doors. Although the world continues to adapt and shift in ways nobody had expected, the future is unknown going into this coming year. However, there are certain things we can look to expect in the coming calendar year with business trends. This article will attempt to lay out some of the most expected business trends in 2021.

Remote Work Will Continue and Might Grow

In April 2021, most businesses experienced the shock of being told that employees would no longer work from the physical office. Instead, guidelines forced employees to begin working from home. This came with many obstacles for a companies workflow. New equipment, software programs, meeting applications, and other necessities needed to be purchased and implemented to allow for a business to stay open. With so much success with remote workers, it does not look like remote workers will be going away anytime soon.

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Published by jasonkumpfncunews

Jason Kumpf has worked in international business for over a decade. He is a well-rounded businessman with insights in global business and real estate, ecommerce, and finance. For more os his insights visit his blog or follow him on Twitter.

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