2021 Business Trends

In the year 2020, many things changed for businesses across a great many landscapes. Some companies had to shift their business model, while others had to adapt to new rules being implemented, and other companies didn’t make it and closed their doors. Although the world continues to adapt and shift in ways nobody had expected, …

What Does the Future Hold for Entrepreneurship

By its very nature, the future is unpredictable. For instance, few could have foreseen the recent COVID-19 pandemic and the effects it would have on our lives. But to survive in the business world, you have to have a bit of a soothsayer in you. By looking at current trends and using them to predict …

Social Media Tips for Entrepreneurs

If you’re an entrepreneur and don’t fully utilize social media to help your business, you are letting a seriously beneficial opportunity go to waste. Social media can help you grow your business and your brand with minimal effort and reach audiences or customers who may not have heard of your business otherwise. To properly utilize …

How Entrepreneurs Can Gather Feedback from Customers

When you’re a business owner, the customer is king, which goes double if you’re an entrepreneur. Your business will thrive or struggle depending on how well you can deliver what the customer wants, and luckily finding this out is as easy as asking. But what’s the best way to gather feedback? By starting with the …

How Does Bad Customer Service Impact Business

In the past, poor customer service might not have had a significant impact on your business’ growth. However, the internet has created greater transparency, affecting how consumers interact and view brands in a multitude of ways. For this reason, it’s important for business owners to see the ways in which bad customer service will impede …

Measuring Your Businesses Success

Many managers and owners spend a huge part of their lives involved in their business. But at the end of the day, how do you measure success? There is no one-size-fits-all answer, but here are some metrics to think about. Profit The primary goal for a business is to make money. A business will go …

Importance of a Positive Customer Experience Strategy

When you start a business, you focus on the quality of products, yet in a global market, the modern consumer can find similar products from numerous companies. What you need to be competitive and successful is a positive customer experience that is unparalleled in your market space. Why the Customer Experience Matters Most Have you ever walked …

Company Benefits That Attract New Hires

The key to any successful business is the employees who help run the company. This is why it is the key to recruiting new hires who are skilled in what they do and can help the business thrive. Benefits play a tremendous role in attracting future applicants to apply for positions. When a company offers …

Key Ways to Improve Client Happiness and Retention

Customer churn has always been a concern for small businesses, but the recent economic downturn caused by the coronavirus pandemic has magnified this issue. More than ever before, business owners have to look for ways to retain their existing customers, and that means keeping them happy. Here are a few ways you can ensure your …

Building a Business in a Competitive Environment

Competition plays a key role in business; it creates a healthy flow of supply and demand, creates a fair market for consumers, and fosters innovation for more effective solutions to the world’s problems. That being said, building a business in a competitive environment can be difficult. Here are four tips on how to do just …

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