Best Entrepreneur Books To Read Before The End of The Year

As the end of the year approaches, many people are thinking about what to read next. We recommend these five books for entrepreneurs and business owners that will help you in your business this coming year. Whether you’re looking for inspiration or strategy, these entrepreneurial reads can be a great tool. The Lean Startup – …

When Should You Consider Rebranding Your Company

JASON KUMPFNCU NEWSOFX GLOBAL PAYMENTSUNCATEGORIZED When Should You Consider Rebranding Your Company? Jason KumpfSeptember 30, 20200 Building your business into a recognizable brand is always a challenge, but the growth your company sees, as a result, will be rewarding. Unfortunately, some branding efforts miss their mark and don’t produce the results you anticipated. Here are …

The Best Social Media Platforms for Business

Social media platforms have increased business sales and visibility, allowing them to reach a broader market. Social media enables businesses to package themselves and products to attract more customers and cover a general geographical location than their stores. Some of the best social media platforms to expand business includes; Facebook Facebook is one of the …

Improving Client Communication

Improving the communications between the business and the client matters because of how this will reduce the number of errors and lead to higher customer satisfaction. Serving customers is really what business is all about. And while making money does matter, you should always remember that customers are the foundation of your business. So, what …

Four Marketing and Advertising Tactics for New Businesses

New businesses need intense marketing and advertising strategy to attract customers even when they have a strict budget. To stay competitive in the market, some strategies can be utilized. Below are four marketing advertising tactics that can be used to grow the business. Content Marketing New businesses rely on content marketing as a major marketing …

Five Great Ways to Expand Your Business

Growing your business is more important than ever, so it’s time to boost your marketing game. Even if you’re not familiar with professional marketing tactics, there are plenty of things you can do to draw more consumers to your business. Here are just a few ideas to help you get started. Keep Existing Customers It’s …

How To Boost Productivity Without Burning Out

Most people yearn to be as productive as possible. Executing such action helps them accomplish a greater number of tasks over shorter durations. However, while striving to achieve such aims could yield several personal, professional, and financial rewards, increased productivity could also lead to burnout. Fortunately, however, highly productive individuals might avoid this potential pitfall …

How to Build Customer Loyalty

Your business relies on its customers to survive. If you don’t have people returning to your business, then your business will not survive. How do you turn customers into loyal customers? If you want to know, read, and review these three tips to build customer loyalty in your business. Special Offers You can create special …

Retaining Top Talent in Your Business

A successful business has many different functioning components that make an operation whole. The employees of a business, whether it is large or small, are an essential part of the companies foundation and overall success. As a business owner or a high-level executive, retaining top talent within your organization is imperative. Here are a few …

3 Sure Ways to Increase Brand Awareness

A company’s brand is an essential part of its potential to be successful. Consider the brands you’re aware of and may use daily. These brands have done their due diligence in promoting brand awareness and reaching their target audience. The larger the audience, the higher the sales. So, when creating a brand, what are some …

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