Best Entrepreneur Books To Read Before The End of The Year

As the end of the year approaches, many people are thinking about what to read next. We recommend these five books for entrepreneurs and business owners that will help you in your business this coming year. Whether you’re looking for inspiration or strategy, these entrepreneurial reads can be a great tool. The Lean Startup – …

How Mentoring Can Improve Leadership Skills

Mentorship is one of the aspects that have been significantly overlooked in terms of improving leadership skills. One may not know it, but it is one way of fast learning and discovering suppressed strengths. That said, below are some ways that mentorship helps individuals to become better leaders; It Improves Storytelling Abilities Mentoring is never …

Rebuilding Your Business From COVID-19 Losses

Home>>Jason Kumpf>>Rebuilding Your Business From COVID-19 Losses JASON KUMPFNCU NEWSUNCATEGORIZED Rebuilding Your Business From COVID-19 Losses Jason KumpfJuly 8, 20200 No doubt about it, COVID-19 has hammered businesses across the United States and caused great financial damages. The outbreak has forced many businesses to close their doors to stop the spread of the virus. Unfortunately, …

Why Consumer Feedback is Essential to Businesses

With such stiff competition in the marketplace, it pays to take advantage of any information about a company’s customers. Consumer data is usually available in two forms: secondary and primary research. However, primary research provides more direct information about customers’ feelings, usage, and reactions to certain products. With that in mind, the following are some …

Expanding Your Customer Base

No matter what type of business an individual starts or runs, he or she will need to expand that enterprise’s customer base to succeed. The first step in growing a customer base is to offer a viable product or service that appeals to a broad enough target audience. The business owner will also need to …

How To Boost Productivity Without Burning Out

Most people yearn to be as productive as possible. Executing such action helps them accomplish a greater number of tasks over shorter durations. However, while striving to achieve such aims could yield several personal, professional, and financial rewards, increased productivity could also lead to burnout. Fortunately, however, highly productive individuals might avoid this potential pitfall …

Common Qualities of a C-Level Executive

Becoming a C-level executive isn’t something that happens overnight. It’s usually a process that started with a climb up the corporate ladder or by launching a start-up that expanded. Either way, there are qualities known to produce successful outcomes. Check out the list below of characteristics that contribute to success among C-suite leaders. Visionary Leadership …

Retaining Top Talent in Your Business

A successful business has many different functioning components that make an operation whole. The employees of a business, whether it is large or small, are an essential part of the companies foundation and overall success. As a business owner or a high-level executive, retaining top talent within your organization is imperative. Here are a few …

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